Tuesday, November 30, 2010


At this point, I have now fulfilled my obligations with regards to posting 10 comments.  Although, I still may respond to certain posts for personal education purposes.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Finished with Muddiest Point and Reading Notes

At this point, I have officially fulfilled my obligations with regards to posting 10 reading notes and 10 muddiest points (although, I may still engage myself with these types of things as the conclusion of the term progresses for personal development purposes). 

Adam Brody

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My Username on KOHA is ADB64.  The content that I have posted is under "Digital Libraries." 

Adam Brody

UNIT 11 READING NOTES: 11-22-2010

1) David Hawking , Web Search Engines: Part 1 and Part 2 IEEE Computer, June 2006.

    This information is vital in understanding how to tackle various threats to the PC.  As librarians, I am wonder if there is anything that we can do more then a simple virus scan.  Are there ways we as information professionals we can contribute to the war on various trojans? 

2) Shreeves, S. L., Habing, T. O., Hagedorn, K., & Young, J. A. (2005). Current developments and future trends for the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting. Library Trends, 53(4), 576-589: http://www.ideals.illinois.edu/bitstream/handle/2142/609/Shreeves_CurrentFutureTrends.pdf?sequence=2

       As diverse services increase, so will the importance of controlled vocabularies.  My concern is whether controlled vocabulary will change as these services expan.  These new technologies and structures might make things more difficult for catalogers to keep up with current trends. 

3) MICHAEL K. BERGMAN,  “The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value” http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/07-01/bergman.html

      I had no idea how much we are missing out when we conduct our searches via Google.  If we can further undertand and implement Deep Web as librarians, we will be better able at expanding the services we provide for customers.  Also, I think if we can teacher customers about Deep Web, they will be better able to find information for themselves; therefore, the librarian would act merely as a supplemental aid. 

Adam Brody




During the lecture it was mentioned that while making a webpage the designer should identify themselves as the creator for authority purposes.  What happens if the creator opts not to identify his or herself?  Are there ethical guidelines for anonymous creators of websites? 

Adam Brody