Tuesday, October 12, 2010


1) Tyson, Jeff. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet-infrastructure.htm/printable

         I did not realize how the internet began as such a small conglomerate.  It is interesting how a nonprofit group such as the Internet Society established many of the policieis and practices that is the foundation for today. 

2) Andrew K. Pace (2004). Dismantling Integrated Library Systems. Library Journal, 129(2), p.34-36. Full Text http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA374953.html

     One thing that the vendors must realize is the sensitivity toward current library funding.  I am wondering if library vendors are lowering their prices based the dire straits circumstances libraries are facing.  This is another defacto example of how government reliance, regulation, and funding, or lack their of can have major implications on the market place. 

3) Sergey Brin and Larry Page: Inside the Google machine.

     After watching the video and looking at the comment section, I noticed that someone mentioned that a lot happend since 2004.  The funny part is that the commenter is right.  Although, back in 2004, I was amazed at how Google so much more extensive then other search engines.  I still use Google to this day. 

Adam Brody


  1. Even though I realised the video was outdated I still found the global impact of Google to be incredible, It must have quadrupled by now!

  2. It's neat how far-reaching they were six years ago. I am very interested to know/see a more recent video or summary for current projects and successes of Google.
